Permanently Remove Unwanted Fat Under Your Chin

Kybella® Treatments offered at GLO Aesthetics

GLO Aesthetics offers a wide range of state-of-the-art treatments that are at the forefront of the industry, giving you access to the latest trends and technologies in aesthetics. Among their most sought-after treatments is Kybella®, an FDA-approved solution that zeroes in on submental chins (double chins). By utilizing deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body, Kybella® dissolves unwanted fat cells safely and effectively, yielding immediate and sustained results. The advantage of Kybella® is that it’s non-invasive, making it an excellent option for those who want to enhance their neck’s appearance without undergoing surgery. Our highly trained team specializes in pain free injections and optimal comfort for all our procedures. Helping you look and feel your best in a comforting environment is what we do.


After 2 Treatments

After 4 Treatments

Don’t be Troubled by a Double Chin Anymore!

Noninvasive, Highly Effective Treatment for Getting Rid of Submental Fullness

GLO Aesthetics is a premier destination for individuals who are troubled by their double chin. So, no matter how your double chin got there whether it be weight gain, genetics, or age, Kybella® can help give you a sleek profile and youthful jawline. With our advanced Kybella® treatment, we help individuals achieve a chiseled, youthful look. Our staff is highly trained and skilled in pain-free injections, making sure you have a comfortable experience. Kybella® is a non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment that breaks down the fat cells under the chin area and is the only treatment of its kind that is permanent. Our team at GLO Aesthetics understands the unique needs of each individual and we strive to personalize each experience to help you feel your best. With the assistance of our knowledgeable staff, we will guide you through the process of achieving the results you desire. Visit GLO Aesthetics for a consultation to learn more about the benefits of our Kybella® treatment.

Contact GLO Aesthetics at Bridgeport Today for Your Personalized Treatment Plan
